On a positive note for its Indian customers, WhatsApp has said that it is not going to limit any functionality of the app for the users who don’t accept the new privacy policy. A lot of controversies came to life when the social media giant announced that even though it won’t be enforcing the privacy policy on May 15, it will be limiting the functionalities of the application for the users who fail to accept the new policy. But according to an IANS report, WhatsApp has taken a u-turn from that decision and will be allowing users to access the complete features of the app even if they haven’t accepted the new privacy policy.

WhatsApp to Keep Reminding Users to Accept the Privacy Policy

In a statement to The Next Web, WhatsApp said that it won’t be limiting the functionalities of the application for the users who don’t accept the new privacy policy. Instead, for now, the company will keep reminding the users about accepting the policy. WhatsApp has too big a business to risk losing in India. From India alone, the social media giant has more than 400 million users. In other news, WhatsApp has also filed a case in the Delhi High Court against the new IT rules formed by the government. The government wants the social media applications which have more than 50 lakh users to share the information of the user for any particular message or text that raises questions of national security. The new rules came into force on May 25, 2021. Social media applications such as WhatsApp and more have been warned that if they don’t follow the rules, there will be strict actions. As of this morning, according to a report from NDTV, all the social media applications except Twitter have shared the necessary details with the government. The microblogging platform had asked the government some more time before it can follow the rules. But the centre has asked Twitter to not play around and adhere to the rules. Users who are worried about the app being banned in India don’t need to worry a lot since nowhere in the IT rules is it mentioned that not following the rules will get the platform banned. However, there will be heavy consequences if the government deems it so.

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