Tecno Pova Neo has launched in India for a price of Rs 12999. It will be available in a single 6GB+128GB storage variant and will go on the first sale from January 22. The company has also decided to bundle in a complementary pair of Tecno earbuds worth Rs 1499 with the smartphone. The Tenco Pova Neo will be available in different colours in India including Obsidian Black, Geek Blue, and Power Black colours.
Tecno Pova Neo Specifications in India
The Tecno Pova Neo will feature a 6.8-inch HD+ DotNotch display with support for 480nits of peak brightness. It will be powered by the MediaTek Helio G25 SoC coupled with up to 6GB of LPDDR4x RAM. There’s a dual-camera setup at the rear where the primary camera has a 13MP sensor with an LED flash. At the front, users get an 8MP sensor for selfies. It will run on Android 11 with HiOS 7.6 on top. The device will pack a 6000mAh battery with support for 18W fast charging.