Snapchat has just launched its short-video content platform ‘Spotlight’ in India. It is worth noting that it is a ‘feature’ and not an ‘application’. The feature is said to be a rival of TikTok, which was banned from India last year. Along with India, the feature has also been launched in Brazil and Mexico. Spotlight has already been available for users in the United States and 10 other countries. The feature had over 100 million users as of January on it. For the unaware, Spotlight allows users to create 60 seconds videos just like TikTok and offers it in a vertical feed to the users. Adding to this, the feed will look a lot more personalised to the users as time progresses because Spotlight uses customer’s preferences and behaviour to determine what kind of videos they like more. But it is a little different from TikTok and even Instagram Reels in some manners.

Spotlight Features You Should Know About

Spotlight doesn’t allow other users consuming the content of a creator to comment on it. Thus the scope of getting comments from the public is totally gone. According to an ET Telecom report, Snapchat Inc. has said that Indian creators will be able to earn through the company’s $1 million daily fund if they make some of the most popular videos on the platform. However, the creators must be at least 16 years old or get permission from their parents before they can start earning from the platform. Since the time TikTok has been banned from India, multiple new short-video platforms such as Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Mx Player’s TataTak have been competing very hard to gain the largest market share of users. Just last week, Lomotif, another short-video based application, announced its plans to launch in India. Even Facebook is now allowing users to create short videos and share it with their friends on the platform.

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