ASUS’s ROG Phone II which is slated to debut later this month would be among the first smartphones to feature the Snapdragon 855 Plus processor. Meanwhile, the launch of Galaxy Note 10 is likely to get delayed as the tech major is reportedly slowing down the production of its top tier Exynos 9825 chipset for the handset. The latest trade feud may have forced the tech giant to adjust the manufacturing timeline as it fears running out of chemical products currently being restricted by the Japanese government. Samsung Electronics Co. plans to release its latest phablet, the Galaxy Note 10, in South Korea in late August following a showcase event earlier in the month. With an unpacked event slated for August 7 in New York, Samsung plans to accept pre-orders for the Galaxy Note 10 two days later, ahead of its official launch in the domestic market on August 23.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 May Not Feature Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus Chipset - 90