D2h Long-Term Recharges: Check What You Get
At the moment, D2h is running three long-term recharges. Almost every DTH subscriber in the country choose monthly recharge option over long-term recharges because we all know what happened by Independent TV. For the unaware, Independent TV closed its operations recently, leaving more than 80,000 users in jeopardy. Independent TV launched an affordable long-term plan in early 2019 and a lot of subscribers chose it. After the closure of services, all these users were left with the option to choose a different operator losing out on the money. As for the D2h long-term recharge offers, they are three in number; The DTH operator is providing an extra seven days of service with three months of one-time recharge. Next up, if a D2h user recharges for six months upfront, then the company will offer 15 days of free service. And lastly, for annual recharge D2h users will get 30 days or one month of service at no extra cost. This is how it works. If D2h users with a monthly channel pack worth Rs 250 perform a recharge for 12 months right away, then they will be entitled to 30 days of extra service.
D2h Also Offering 30% Additional Cashback
Not only the long-term recharge offers, but D2h is also running a surprise 30% cashback offer. Existing D2h users get a chance to avail 30% cashback on the UPP amount. That said, this offer is limited to select users and the company will provide the cashback to a random user.