Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), the oldest telecom operator in the Indian market offers users a variety of top-up vouchers to recharge with. The state-run telco offers top-up vouchers worth up to Rs 5,500 with full talktime. BSNL is offering multiple vouchers with the same offer of full talktime, and that is why today, we are going to list all the BSNL best top-up vouchers which offer full talktime to the users. Make sure you read till the end to know which these vouchers are.
BSNL Best Top Up Vouchers With Full Talktime Benefit
The cheapest and one of the best BSNL top-up vouchers which come with the offer of full talktime is of Rs 100. This voucher is providing the offer until March 31, 2021, after which it will offer the talktime value of Rs 81.75. But the offer is provided to only those users who recharge on Sundays. The next best BSNL top up voucher which comes with the offer of full talktime is of Rs 550. This voucher started providing this offer from December 1, 2020, and there is no end date for the offer mentioned in the website of the telco. Coming to the next voucher, it costs Rs 1,100 and offers users full talktime on their recharge. This voucher also started providing this offer post-December 1, 2020 and just like the previous voucher; there is no expiry date for the offer mentioned in the website. In case the user wants to go for a higher denomination voucher which offers full talktime, there is the Rs 2,000 voucher which can be considered. It is also one of the best, and there is no expiry date for the offer mentioned on the website so the user can recharge with this voucher anytime he/she wish to. There are multiple more expensive vouchers from BSNL which offer full talktime. What’s worth noting here is that apart from the Rs 2,010 voucher, every BSNL top up voucher which costs Rs 2,000 or more comes with the offer of full talktime. The most expensive voucher, as mentioned above, is of Rs 5,500. It has also started offering full talktime to the users from December 1, 2020, and there is no expiry date for the offer mentioned on the website.