Opensignal, a mobile analytics company on Tuesday said that the users in Ahmedabad had the “best games experience” followed by Navi Mumbai and Vadodara. The company said that it analysed the mobile network experience in 48 cities across India to see how the cities compare on its Games Experience metric. Opensignal said that its Games Experience metric charts “how mobile phone users experience real-time multiplayer mobile gaming on an operator network.” The company highlighted that the network conditions including latency, packet loss and jitter impact overall multiplayer games experience.

Ahmedabad Emerges as Ideal City for Mobile Gamers

According to Opensignal, Ahmedabad and Mumbai were the only Tier 1 cities in its list of top 10 cities in India for best mobile games experience. Surat, Bhopal, Thane, Rajkot are the other cities in the top 10 list for mobile games experience. The games that were tested for the study is said to include Battle Royale, Call of Duty, PUBG and Clash Royale. Opensignal said that Gujarat and Maharashtra “dominated” its study with seven of the top 10 cities in India said to be from either of the states. Further, the company said that only four out of eight Tier 1 cities were under the top 20 cities in India to deliver over 50 points. Opensignal Games Experience metric is said to be on a scale of zero to 100 with Ahmedabad scoring 71.7 points.

India Among Top Five Markets for Mobile Gaming

The company highlighted that India is among the top five markets for mobile gaming in terms of user base. “On the back of growing penetration of affordable smartphones, low-cost data, and improved bandwidth, the number of online gamers has risen exponentially over the last couple of years,” the firm said in its release. The company highlighted that lower latency enhances the reaction time of players in action games while packet loss relates to player action never taking an effect. Further, jitter is said to be “variability of the arrival time of data packets.” “All data packets take time to travel between locations — for example between a player and the game server — but often the amount of delay varies between packets,” the company said in the release.

Ahmedabad  Navi Mumbai Among Top Indian Cities for Mobile Gaming  Opensignal - 45