The device comes with 5000mAh battery that lasts up to two days and offers up to 14 hours of video streaming, 27 hours of call time, 7 hours of 4K video recording or 11 hours of gaming at full charge, claimed the company. The device is backed by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Octa-Core processor. The 10.or G2 features a 6.18-inch Full HD display, a 2.5D screen and a 19:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone comes in 4GB and 6GB RAM variants. The “10.or G2” sports a 16MP+5 MP dual rear cameras and 12MP big pixel selfie camera. It supports dual SIMs and has a dedicated 64GB memory slot that is expandable up to 256GB. The limited edition 10.or G2 will be available in Charcoal Black and Twilight Blue colours.